Building a Cultural Bridge in Lancaster

Photo by Saloma Furlong

Several weeks ago, I started a part-time volunteer job at Safe Communities. I wrote about the restorative experience here on this blog of being a participant at the retreat led by Linda Crockett and Mark Harris in the spring. I was already in awe of Linda and her leadership skills, and at the retreat I…

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New Horizons

In my last post, I promised to bring you some news of what is happening in my life. David and I have decided to move to Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. There are many reasons why we’re making this decision, which I will name later. The easy part was selling our house here in Broadway, Virginia. If…

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A Soul-Nurturing Experience

There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you. ~ Maya Angelou This past weekend I attended a Safe Communities retreat in Ephrata, Pennsylvania at the beautiful Hurst Bed and Breakfast. The retreat was led by Linda Crockett, Lyn Barrett, and Mark Harris, and it was exactly what I needed at this…

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