A Pennsylvania Dutch Story

Today I bring you a piece that was originally published at the DailyCal by Eythana Miller titled The fastest growing American language you’ve never heard of. Eythana grew up in Northwest Montana in a traditional Amish community that slowly modernized as she was growing up. She moved to California at 17 and is set to…

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The Hope in Me by Katie Miller

Katie Miller and I have been in touch over the months since the Symposium at Elizabethtown College. She was not able to attend, though she has offered part of her story to publish on the blog. Today I continue the series of former Amish who went on to college after leaving their respective communities. I…

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Bridging Two Worlds

When I was living in Pennsylvania, I met Ruth, who has become a dear friend. She is warm, loving, insightful, and brilliant. She is a wife, a mother of five, teacher of sign language, a grower of roses, builder of a “she-shack” (along with her mother) and an assembler of a vintage bubble Scotty mobile…

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A New “Outlook” and a Wedding

David and I have been busily taking on house projects. The most complicated one yet was installing a new window in our master bedroom. When the house was built in 1987, it was common for windows in bedrooms to be small. And these were. The one we replaced was tucked into the far corner of…

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Welcome to the Shores of Crystal Lake

I am not writing this while on vacation. I’m writing it from our new home in northern Vermont. I have very much enjoyed bringing you stories from others who have left a Plain community and found their way to college and beyond. I will continue to do so as they come in, plus I will…

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